기본적인 TeamCity 서버/에이전트 WorkFlow:
테스트시에 구축한 WorkFlow:
TeamCity에서 GitLab 소스를 Docker 이미지로 빌드하여, 저장할 도커 이미지 레지스트리 서버 구축 과정 정리
도커 private 레지스트리 생성 (
옵션으로 HTTPS 인증서 우회하여 docker push--insecure-registry
옵션은 보안에 취약 하므로, SSL 인증서를 발급하는 방법 적용# insecure access vim C:\Users\k230303\.docker/daemon.json { "insecure-registries": [""] }
# 도커 이미지 삭제 docker images | grep -v regi | awk '{ print "docker rmi " $3}' | sh
도커 원격 private 레지스트리 SSL 인증서 생성 steps:
도커 private 리포지토리에 .crt 인증서 생성
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048 openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key echo subjectAltName=IP:,IP: > extfile.cnf openssl x509 -req -days 10000 -signkey server.key -in server.csr -out server.crt -extfile extfile.cnf sudo cp ~/docker-registry/server.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ sudo update-ca-certificates docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name my_registry \ -v /home/krms/docker-registry/volume/:/data \ -v /home/krms/docker-registry/certs/:/certs \ -e REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR= \ -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/server.crt \ -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/server.key \ registry:2.6
docker login
하여 연결 확인
scp -r krms@ ~/ # 윈도우는 server.crt 더블클릭하여 직접설치 # docker 재시작 # 깃bash에서 확인 curl -k {"repositories":["my_image"]}
# 클라이언트 PC에서 도커 리포지토리로 push/pull 테스트 docker tag my_image docker login docker push docker pull docker push jnuho/testgohttp_dockerhub:latest ## TeamCity가 아닌 로컬-> 레지스트리 테스트 go mod init devportal.kaonrms.com/konnect/YAML/on-premise/testgohttp go mod tity docker build -t my_image -f ./build/Dockerfile . docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE my_image latest 0bbcb61acb59 6 seconds ago 320MB docker tag my_image winpty docker login docker push docker pull # 로컬 pc환경-> 도커 레지스트리서버 docker images mY-image ... docker tag my_image docker push docker pull
cat server.crt server.key > server.pem openssl x509 -in server.crt -inform DER -out server.pem -outform PEM
로컬 .crt -> 바스티온
# 로컬 scp -r server.crt krms@ # 바스티온 cp -r /home/krms/server.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/ # 바스티온 -> 도커 레지스트리 서버 docker login
version: '3' services: gitlab: image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest' container_name: gitlab restart: always ports: - '8080:80' - '1443:443' - '1001:22' volumes: # - './config:/etc/gitlab' # env variable를 override하므로 커멘트처리! - './logs:/var/log/gitlab' - './data:/var/opt/gitlab' environment: GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: | external_url '' nginx['listen_port'] = 80 nginx['listen_https'] = false shm_size: '512m' agent01: container_name: agent01 image: jetbrains/teamcity-agent:${TEAMCITY_VERSION}-linux-sudo ports: - "9090:9090" privileged: true volumes: - ./agent/conf:/data/teamcity_agent/conf - ./certs:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates tty: true user: "root" environment: - DOCKER_IN_DOCKER=start - SERVER_URL= - AGENT_NAME=agent01 shm_size: '256m' command: > sh -c "update-ca-certificates && service docker start && /run-agent.sh && tail -f /dev/null"
docker exec -it gitlab /bin/bash echo $GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG external_url '' nginx['listen_port'] = 80 nginx['listen_https'] = false
version: '3' services: teamcity: image: jetbrains/teamcity-server:${TEAMCITY_VERSION} ports: - "8111:8111" volumes: - './data_dir:/data/teamcity_server/datadir' - './teamcity-server-logs:/opt/teamcity/logs' user: "root" shm_size: '128m'
By adding the teamcity_network to the teamcity and teamcity-agent-1 services, you are creating a network bridge that allows these containers to communicate with each other over this network. Since the teamcity container is on this network and needs to access the external machine at, the Docker network will handle the routing between the two.
In other words, the teamcity_network serves as a bridge network that connects the containers within it, and also provides a route to the external machine. When you specify a network for a container, Docker automatically adds a network interface to the container and assigns it an IP address within that network. This allows the containers on the same network to communicate with each other and also communicate with external machines on the same network.
By defining an external network, you are telling Docker that this network already exists and Docker should not try to create it. Therefore, when you start your Docker-compose file with the teamcity_network network, Docker will connect the containers to this pre-existing network, allowing them to communicate with each other and with external machines like the one at
version: '3' services: gitlab: image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest' container_name: gitlab restart: always ports: - '8080:80' - '1443:443' - '1001:22' volumes: - './config:/etc/gitlab' - './logs:/var/log/gitlab' - './data:/var/opt/gitlab' shm_size: '512m' agent01: container_name: agent01 image: jetbrains/teamcity-agent:${TEAMCITY_VERSION}-linux-sudo ports: - "9090:9090" privileged: true volumes: - ./agent/conf:/data/teamcity_agent/conf - ./certs:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates #- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # mount Docker socket tty: true user: "root" environment: - DOCKER_IN_DOCKER=start - SERVER_URL= - AGENT_NAME=agent01 shm_size: '256m' command: > sh -c "update-ca-certificates && service docker start && /run-agent.sh && tail -f /dev/null"
git clone https://devportal.kaonrms.com/konnect/YAML/on-premise/testgohttp.git cd testgohttp touch main.go mkdir build touch ./build/Dockerfile go mod init devportal.kaonrms.com/konnect/YAML/on-premise/testgohttp
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World!") }) http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) }
FROM golang:1.17-alpine as builder WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN go build -o main . EXPOSE 8080 CMD ["./main"]
TeamCity 프로젝트 설정
VCS root
에 git url 등록Trigger
에서 git 변화 감지시, Build Steps 실행VCS Root name
Fetch URL
Default branch
Branch Specification
Password/Personal Access Token
Build steps : CLI
#!/bin/bash hash=%build.vcs.number% shortHash=${hash:0:7} echo "###teamcity[setParameter name='GitShortHash' value='$shortHash']"
Build steps : Docker build
Build steps : Docker push
sync echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
전체 프로젝트 세팅 및 데이터 전체 backup 및 import
백업 테스트
# TeamCity agent02 추가 후 신규 서버에 agent02 추가되는지 테스트 cd ~krms/test_gitlab docker-compose down docker-compose up -d # TeamCity 신규 서버 구동 후 'Restore from backup' # TeamCity_Backup_20230317_012048.zip 선택 cd ~krms mkdir -p 2nd_test_teamcity/data_dir/import cp test_teamcity/docker-compose.yml 2nd_test_teamcity/ cd ~krms/test_teamcity docker-compose down cd ~krms/2nd_test_teamcity docker-compose up -d